10 years ago
usanowusanow Junior LieutenantPosts: 6
Hello, developers.... love the game first thing I want you to know, it is even better than COH. Hoping you guys see this. I mainly play custom maps with my brother vs AI and we need more maps.... lots more maps. I would love to see professionally done converted COH maps or new maps... I don't care just MORE maps. Pls create a map pack DLC of atleast 10 maps and I will purchase it. I do not use maps made by the public since they are not the real developers and sometimes have issues. My brother and I and, I'm sure many more are waiting for that map pack... especially 2 vs. 2 maps. Thanks again guys for your great work.


  • #2
    10 years ago
    Soul SplitterSoul Spli… Major Posts: 509
    I wouldn't pay and since they would probably be available for automatch they will split the community in two. That happened for 40K Space Marine and that was bad.
  • #3
    10 years ago
    MrManTitsMrManTits Senior Lieutenant Posts: 73 ✭✭
    And why would you pay for more maps that are just silly, when more will come as the game gets older. they have almost send out 2 new maps for every patch, so be patient more will come at some point :)
  • #4
    10 years ago
    SergeantKokiSergeantK… Captain Posts: 116 ✭✭✭
    Do you see all those different maps wich are in the campaign or ToW?
    They could add them with just making some minor changes also since they are in the campaign they have to be free because we already payed for them
  • #5
    10 years ago
    ofieldofield Major Posts: 598
    Meevinman wrote: »
    m8, mods said that Lazur factory will be in Automatch and they STILL have not included it.
    Lazur factory is already in automatch, but only for 3v3.
  • #6
    10 years ago
    NounNoun Relic Community Manager Posts: 296 ✭✭✭✭✭
    usanow wrote: »
    Hello, developers.... love the game first thing I want you to know, it is even better than COH. Hoping you guys see this. I mainly play custom maps with my brother vs AI and we need more maps.... lots more maps. I would love to see professionally done converted COH maps or new maps... I don't care just MORE maps. Pls create a map pack DLC of atleast 10 maps and I will purchase it. I do not use maps made by the public since they are not the real developers and sometimes have issues. My brother and I and, I'm sure many more are waiting for that map pack... especially 2 vs. 2 maps. Thanks again guys for your great work.

    More maps are coming soon. As well there'll be a way to share user created maps much easier in the very near future. Some of the fan maps that I've seen are excellent!
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