Faster build times

10 years ago
HaukenHauken CaptainPosts: 197 ✭✭✭
I have to ask why it takes so much time to make simple things like barbed wire?

I would love to see the default vcoh build time replaced with this current build time, I usually never find myself the time to build wires which is sad..

It might just be me...


  • #2
    10 years ago
    James HaleJames Hale Beta Tester Posts: 2,026
    Barbed wire spam was quite annoying in vCoH, and the issue there was how quickly it could be laid down. I think the timing in CoH2 is much better, although I do wish they'd bring back the Soviets' barbed wire field from the alpha.
  • #3
    10 years ago
    ValkyrieValkyrie General-Major Posts: 2,059
    Yeah... Barbed wire is too slow currently, especially considering how easy it is to destroy.
  • #4
    10 years ago
    HaukenHauken Captain Posts: 197 ✭✭✭
    James Hale wrote: »
    Barbed wire spam was quite annoying in vCoH, and the issue there was how quickly it could be laid down. I think the timing in CoH2 is much better, although I do wish they'd bring back the Soviets' barbed wire field from the alpha.

    I liked it to, it just ended up being scattered with multiple models inside them. - Pheraps some better randomnizing would fix it?
    I bet they have their reasons I think its good they removed it because it looked ugly as it was in the beta.
  • #5
    10 years ago
    James HaleJames Hale Beta Tester Posts: 2,026
    It is in a few ToW missions, though, such as Blitzkrieg.
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