How to get refund on CoH2

10 years ago
Robbo_the_greatRobbo_the… Junior LieutenantPosts: 2
Hi all,

Does anyone know how I go about getting a refund on this game? I bought it soon after the initial release and love it but the lag and disconnection issues literally make it unplayable long-term. I've played to level 82 so I've given it plenty of time and a fair go at rectifying issue which are common among newly-released games but it seems the lag and connection issues are getting worse each time I play, and despite constant screaming from the community nothing appears to have been done about it.

Do I take it back to the store I bought from, or do I contact the game producers/makers directly? I've never done so before so haven't got the faintest idea where to start. All I know is I cannot play any more and consider that a good waste of money.




  • #2
    10 years ago
    KatitofKatitof Junior Lieutenant Posts: 5,229
    Lawl people like op are priceless.
    Enclaves of stupidity one might say.

    After such a long time there is not a single law on the planet left that would be on your side.
  • #3
    10 years ago
    HaukenHauken Captain Posts: 197 ✭✭✭
    Man this coke was good, better return it empty to the store.
  • #4
    10 years ago
    Robbo_the_greatRobbo_the… Junior Lieutenant Posts: 2
    Appreciate the comments, negative or otherwise, but the only reason I've played this far is literally hoping that the matters will be resolved because I love the game. They haven't. The last handful of games I've played have ended in disconnections or had such bad lag that everyone just quit, and it keeps getting worse. The biggest mistake I seem to have made was trying to stick the game out despite the continuous disconnections and lag issues which are affecting a significant number of players, and I am sick of reading forums about the problem that get no response and result in no action being taken. Never played CoH1 but apparently it was similar in some regards.

    Couldn't care less if anyone thinks its over the top to want a refund after all this time - I gave these guys the benefit of the doubt expecting they'd resolve the problem and they have outright failed. My mistake taking so long to question it in the first place.

    Won't ever buy another of their games again.
  • #5
    10 years ago
    HelpingHansHelpingHa… Lieutenant Posts: 46 ✭✭✭✭
    Op, before you blame relic about poor connections and such maybe it might be down to your own provider? Also are you playing on high settings and with lots of players? If so can your rig handle it? If not then that's probably the reason you keep experiencing so much lag. However in-spite of that the game does need a considerable performance optimization.
  • #6
    10 years ago
    ImperialDaneImperialD… Volunteer Moderator Posts: 1,583
    Not how refunds work mate. You don't play a game for almost half a year then suddenly decide you want your money back.
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