Upcoming World Builder Twitch Cast

10 years ago
schlagermeisterschlagerm… CaptainPosts: 114 ✭✭✭
I'm THRILLED for the CoH2 World Builder release!!! It could very well be the best thing to happen to CoH2 so far. BUT!! I have a slew of questions about it that I'd like Relic team members to answer if possible--either here in this thread or during the World Builder twitch cast later this week.

1. How accessible (to us non computer wiz kids) will the World Builder be? Would you mind posting some helpful hints on the forum here? Or perhaps create a whole new forum page for it?

2. How will uploading maps work? Can I upload a map I make straight into the game and test it out in a Custom match?? Can I invite friends to this match? I'd assume then that they would need the map file for that to work--will file sharing be simple?

3. My buddy and I are already scheming some entertaining map ideas to mess around against the AI in skirmish mode. Will there be a limit to how many maps we can upload into the game to play on our own? The idea of potentially endless map variations for skirmish games is tantalizing....

4. Today's cast had some mention of how community maps will be tested via Beta Servers. Is there a way we could sign up for that and be one of the testers? Or do we need an "in" with you Relic folks to try that out?

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