Steppes-Central Fuel Point Trench Balance

10 years ago
Uber-PigUber-Pig LieutenantPosts: 21 ✭✭✭✭
Does anyone else think the setup of fortifications on Steppes could use some tweaking?

As it stands now, the central fuel point of course sits in the dead center of the map, within an open field. The balance issue comes however, from the trench overlooking the fuel point from the 'left' side of the map. The right trench is both at a less opportune angle, and if equipped with an MG, is not actually within range of the fuel point proper.

However, for the team that spawns nearest the left trench, by getting an MG in that position early in the match it becomes intensely difficult for the opposing team to dislodge them from that fuel point, giving a subtle but important advantage to that team from the get-go, in that control of said point is almost guaranteed unless they really muck things up.

This of course can be both incredibly irritating or a huge blessing depending on which side you spawn on and which faction you are playing. It seems like an easy fix on this front would just be to add an equivalent trench on the right side, letting both teams dig in MGs overlooking the fuel point rather than just one, though maybe there is some distance issue involved.


  • #2
    10 years ago
    C0ffeebeanzC0ffeebea… General-Colonel Posts: 4,547
    Well the other side has the advantage of using the destroyed Panzer IV as green cover for MGs on the bottom fuel...There is also a destroyed truck and a few barrels or something right in front of that fuel point giving their infantry the cover advantage.
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