How do I deal with German fuel rush in 2v2?

10 years ago
sdrepjpsdrepjp LieutenantPosts: 59 ✭✭
So the past few games I have played my fuel was rush by the German player. I find it hard
to deal with the grenadier, HMG, and mortor combo. By the time I break the attack
the German team has a huge fuel lead over my team. How can I counter this?


  • #2
    10 years ago
    TopBadgerTopBadger Senior Lieutenant Posts: 114 ✭✭✭
    Sounds like your issue is in the early game.

    As Soviet you rely on Conscripts as a main agressive force. In order to hold your own in the early game you must mix a force of conscripts with either Tier 1 or Tier 2, either with maxims and mortars or with snipers and clown cars.

    You must be very agressive, not being scared to venture into the fog of war in the early game. Instead of trying to hold some imaginary half way line on the map try to put pressure on the Wermacht by going where you think their MGs don't cover, keeping your conscripts close but not bunched and upgrading with molotovs for the traditional anti-MG charge.

    Go Tier 1 if they start using team weapons like HMGs and mortars and go T2 if they use more infantry like grenadiers or assault grenadiers. Both are effective when used together with conscripts.

    Hopefully if you manage to change your early game you can hold at least one of the fuels and try to rush your own T3 tanks, or if you are scared of German panzer rush later on blob some SU85s together and mix in an AT gun or two.

    Basically it's hold at least fuel in the early game or die to the might of German Panzerkampfwagens.
  • #3
    10 years ago
    Brandley2142Brandley2… Volunteer Moderator Posts: 1,043
    Keep in mind he specifically asked about 2v2. This is where one German can setup defensive positions with MGS and grenadiers. While the other provides a little support and pumps out caches. As soviet, your biggest advantage is your ally. Split the Russian tier system between you two. If your ally goes t-1 you need to go t-2 with machine guns conscripts and AT guns.

    Personally. The anti-cache job should be up to the guy with the t-1. He has the most mobility. He can easily get penal battalions or engineers with flamethrower to the cache's while ignoring German machine guns. Or using snipers to open up an advance through the machine gun with dismounted infantry.

    The best two mid-late game tools against caches is Guards and anti-tank partisans for their PTRS and p-schrek. T-70 and T-34 are great for missions requiring you to get in and out quickly.
  • #4
    10 years ago
    Gen_MeGen_Me Major Posts: 489 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Keep in mind he specifically asked about 2v2. This is where one German can setup defensive positions with MGS and grenadiers. While the other provides a little support and pumps out caches. As soviet, your biggest advantage is your ally. Split the Russian tier system between you two. If your ally goes t-1 you need to go t-2 with machine guns conscripts and AT guns.

    Personally. The anti-cache job should be up to the guy with the t-1. He has the most mobility. He can easily get penal battalions or engineers with flamethrower to the cache's while ignoring German machine guns. Or using snipers to open up an advance through the machine gun with dismounted infantry.

    The best two mid-late game tools against caches is Guards and anti-tank partisans for their PTRS and p-schrek. T-70 and T-34 are great for missions requiring you to get in and out quickly.

    bare in mind Axis tanks are a lot faster, so don't venture out there with T34's without support (support mean everything both of you has that's mobile) unless your sure the enemy is nowhere near, especially T34-85's, they are slower than a tiger and will die quickly to anything other than a PIV.
  • #5
    10 years ago
    CorsinCorsin Banned Posts: 853
    Snipers snipers followed by more snipers, and the other player conscript spams gets AT nades, gg
  • #6
    10 years ago
    Fallout3DCFallout3DC Junior Lieutenant Posts: 179 ✭✭✭
    You need to adapt when you are playing the Soviets. So adapt and switch over to the Germans.
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