World Builder: Can't make points capturable

10 years ago
OlaHaldorOlaHaldor Junior LieutenantPosts: 10
I'm testing the new World Builder - it's a big improvement in performance over the old one. No graphical glitches and both terrain deformation and texture painting is very fast.
I've come to the point where I wanted to play test the map design, but I encountered a problem where my units cannot capture points. I can click them all I want, the units will move to the points - but they won't/can't capture them.

I believe it's due to the lack of a "capture zone". I've gone through the menus and tools in the World Builder but I can't figure out where the capture zone feature is. I tried an icon next to the "TER" tool, it's a grey square with something that looks like a zoning tool, but all this did was deny any units to move through this area.

If anyone figures this out, let me know!


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