Physics help needed!

10 years ago
obamasmokezobamasmok… Senior LieutenantPosts: 160 ✭✭✭
I am struggling to find the answer to these series of questions.

Mostly just 1. and 3.
Any help appreciated thanks

The reaction between a different acid, hydrochloric acid (HCl), and CaCO3 is as
HCl + CaCO3 CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O
Balance this equation so that the same amount of each element is on the left of the
arrow as is on the right.

2. Other forms of CaCO3 are cement and limestone. This type of reaction occurs when
limestone rocks are dissolved by acidic rain water to form caves. Suggest a way to
clean oil stains off of your cement driveway.

3. The chemical reaction between an acid and a base produces neutral water by
combining the H from the acid with the OH from the base. Look at the following
reaction, and complete it by writing in what else should be formed.
HCl + NaOH H2O +


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