Countering soviet industry tech only tac.

11 years ago
DomenicAlectoDomenicAl… Junior LieutenantPosts: 2
Extremly cheesy soviet tactic - they skip t1 and go cons + engineers or double engi. Then goes early clowncar. The fact is - clowncar with engis got to my fuel on Moscow outskirts exactly with my engis, sent straight there after building first tier. I destroyed first car. they got sniper and second car. I destroyed second car ( gren pf). Then they went for t34 tanks. I lost sniper, engi squad. I had 2 gren, mg squad left, and nearing t2. After that, they pretty much spammed t34, t70, AA cars and even got flame KV. I built 4 or 5 Paks ( in total. i lost some too) and 1 stug. Note: we were struggling with almost no fuel. We lost in the end, despite managing to score more than 10 armor kills, not counting light vechicles.
The problem with this strat - lack of early counters. The way i see it - u should anticipate it, when u see double soviet industry team. Start with 2 grens. skip mg, and, for gods sake, dont build sniper. Then go t2 and build pak right away, followed by pancergrens. then go straight t3 for stug. If they dont go vehicle heavy u can abort countering when u see their infantry and get MG after grens.
tl, dr double soviet idustry, sniper car, fast tech to t34. Thoughts, possible counters?


  • #2
    11 years ago
    DomenicAlectoDomenicAl… Junior Lieutenant Posts: 2
    BTW, i think next patch will move soviet industry first passive ability to cp1, or cp2 from 0. Otherwise it doesnt make sence, how fast they tech up.
    I can post replay for reference, if u recommend some free filesharing site.
  • #3
    11 years ago
    Soul SplitterSoul Spli… Major Posts: 509
    Almost nobody uses Soviet Industry any more since the nerf. It's certainly not overpowered.
  • #4
    11 years ago
    Brandley2142Brandley2… Volunteer Moderator Posts: 1,043
    yea soviet industry was nerfed and about to get nerfed again.
  • #5
    11 years ago
    IkyIky Captain Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
    Soviet industry is not worth getting, the fuel advantage has HUGE drafback manpower income is greatly reduced, I notice it in one of matches with my friend.
    with 70pocap you as much manpower income as IT with 35popcap while it gets only 10-15 more fuel.... considering that you have half map under your controll. and more map you have the less manpower income you have. I wonder if you knew that.
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