USF and Terrible KDRs.

8 years ago
WunderKatzeWunderKat… Junior LieutenantPosts: 206 ✭✭✭✭✭
Hey, I have a question. Does anyone else seem to get terrible KDRs when they play USF even when they win?

I keep getting these terrible KDRs even though I almost always win as USF. I'm not sure if it is a sign that I need to learn some new tactics or if it is just part of USF faction design.

I notice that players that create giant hordes of riflemen don't seem to suffer from this at all, in fact they usually have very high KDRs. Is that how the USF is supposed to be played?


  • #2
    8 years ago
    VerikusVerikus Junior Lieutenant Posts: 79 ✭✭
    USF will typically lose more than the Wher and usually a lot more (unless it's a volks heavy army) than OKW, even if you win. You may not realize it but you will reinforce a LOT more than most Axis forces. The Axis 4 man squads tend to last longer and hit harder. They're also more adept at long range combat (in general, from grens to obers) and riflemen excel at mid/short range.

    This means that in an average firefight you will typically lose more guys up front, even if you're winning engagements. You will also generally have a decent flood of infantry overall because you will be using less support weapons than the average wher player and will have cheaper and more readily available effective infantry against OKW (unless they go volks heavy that is)
  • #3
    8 years ago
    WunderKatzeWunderKat… Junior Lieutenant Posts: 206 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Verikus wrote: »
    USF will typically lose more than the Wher and usually a lot more (unless it's a volks heavy army) than OKW, even if you win. You may not realize it but you will reinforce a LOT more than most Axis forces. The Axis 4 man squads tend to last longer and hit harder. They're also more adept at long range combat (in general, from grens to obers) and riflemen excel at mid/short range.

    This means that in an average firefight you will typically lose more guys up front, even if you're winning engagements. You will also generally have a decent flood of infantry overall because you will be using less support weapons than the average wher player and will have cheaper and more readily available effective infantry against OKW (unless they go volks heavy that is)

    I wondered if that was it,but after seeing a few USF players get high KDRs I started to worry.

    But now that I think about it I still do get a share of games where I get KDRs of +1
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