In My opinion game is unbalanced for allied favor

8 years ago
Eagle1987Eagle1987 Junior LieutenantPosts: 25 ✭✭✭✭
Well ,,,,

Am i the only person that thinks that tis game is very unbalanced to the allies favor + its non historic as well ?! specially that its 2 armies vs 3 now , the okw is good but it lacks artillary , i never seen an army that lacks artillary 0_0 , and what is the purpose of having heavy armor if u got no chance against the historically weak allied armored ( beacuse allied armor are good 2) , i think coh1 managed to balance it better than coh 2 and itis still way better , and really an army with no Anti tank guns ?! so no arty , no anti tank , no air support ??.
From the other hand the osteer are very weak and the poor distribution of commanders abilities is a joke . I strongly suggest tha relic let us build our own commanders it will be beter if u can name and select abilities , they can make set of abilities for 1 xp then maybe 3 xps and 8 xps and so on then we decide which ability we should put , it gives better control of your strategy rather than the poor tactics of the game , i hope they listen >>>>>>


  • #2
    8 years ago
    dhkdeoendhkdeoen Junior Lieutenant Posts: 21 ✭✭✭✭
    you want the game to be correct from history? Okay.

    Sherman and T-34 costs 150mp and 30fuel. If the game passes 20 min mark, all T-34/76 becomes T-34/85 and M4 Sherman will acquire 76mm. To reflect its mass production of IS-2, IS-2 will be summoned 4 at a time and would only cost 150 fuel. And to reflect the air superiority, every time Axis summons any kind of plane, 15 of P47s and P51 will follow them and strafe on axis army. To reflect its time setting of the game, German soldiers will desert it's force every now and then.

    To reflect Panther and Jagdtiger having serious engine problems, both tanks will be stalled some times.

    I can go on and on and on.
  • #3
    8 years ago
    Eagle1987Eagle1987 Junior Lieutenant Posts: 25 ✭✭✭✭
    dhkdeoen wrote: »
    you want the game to be correct from history? Okay.

    Sherman and T-34 costs 150mp and 30fuel. If the game passes 20 min mark, all T-34/76 becomes T-34/85 and M4 Sherman will acquire 76mm. To reflect its mass production of IS-2, IS-2 will be summoned 4 at a time and would only cost 150 fuel. And to reflect the air superiority, every time Axis summons any kind of plane, 15 of P47s and P51 will follow them and strafe on axis army. To reflect its time setting of the game, German soldiers will desert it's force every now and then.

    To reflect Panther and Jagdtiger having serious engine problems, both tanks will be stalled some times.

    I can go on and on and on.

    You did not get my point . you are simply saying that allied tanks were as good as German tanks . ok !! lets say you are right , if that is is the case then why you make Germany struggle all the game to bring one expensive heavy useless tank while the allied forces can spam cheap and strong tanks ?!!

    If you are saying , this is historical then do not tell me it is balanced . It can not be both , because Hitler was stupid enough to open three fronts at the same time although he had better army but still , you can not just defeat three countries at the same time .

    So in conclusion either you make the game historically accurate and change alot of things and it will not be balanced , some battles will be for german favor ,others will be for allies favor depennd on the history , or yo make it balanced and let the good tactics win .I'm telling you the game is neither and its not just the tanks . there are alot of things like the commander abilities and other issues.

    I suggest that they at least make custom made commanders at least to choose your abilities and it can be balanced as well , but they of course they won't listen .
  • #4
    8 years ago
    Eagle1987Eagle1987 Junior Lieutenant Posts: 25 ✭✭✭✭
    let me just mention the strongest armies in order :

    1- soviets ( very good tanks and arty + excellent variations and best commander abilities )
    2- British forces
    3-usf forces
    4- okw
    5- osteer ( although they got more variations than the okw but still it is separated in a very poor and ineffective way , also the commanders ability really really need to be distributed correctly because it's a joke and this apply to all axis commanders .
  • #5
    8 years ago
    kingdun3284kingdun32… Junior Lieutenant Posts: 958
    Eagle1987 wrote: »

    your argument is full of wrong info and misleading data :

    1- the guard are AT inf and they are as good as the volks and even better than AT grenadiers (in strength ), all other units u mentioned have their counter in the allied + other superior counter like bofor and KV falame thrower and AA tank and shock troops ( the most powerfull inf in the game), and Raketenwefer is a joke as i said ; and u siad it ur self its for light tanks and its weaker than 57mm AT and the comparison here should be against light tanks only cuz these 2 are for only light tanks and in that case the 57 mm would be better choice .

    2-plz stop saying that leig is artillery , itis only effective against British structures and it has zero effectiveness against inf compared to us howitzer and zsu .so it is weaker than the weapons of his same category .

    3- 1 su 85 can destroy panther before it can reach it. and 2 su -85 will cost 680 mp and 240 fuel that is still cheaper than the king tiger 260 fuel , please learn the math first not to mention that the heavier the tank the more stupid AI it gets , i do not know what is the relation relic !!!

    4- stuka is a single piece which can hardly be called as artillery . (the highest penetration to tank among all the artillery) really !! what do u call the soviets howitzer gun that can wipe out a king tiger with one or 2 shots ?! please do not kid yourself , the soviets alone got countless variations of heavy artillery and air support that can alter the game course .and let me remind you again that the variations is key to win battles , all axis armies lack variations of all kinds of weapons even in commanders unlike all allied armies which make the game very unbalanced in the allied favor.
    Give you some homework before you spoke on forum:
    1. Try to find out the penetration and damage of double PTRS by yourself and compare with volks then post it here and try to induce " guard is as good as volks shercks "conclusion.
    Try to find out the penetration value of 57mm gun by yourself and compare with raketenwefer then post it here.
    2. Try to find out the stat and compare its auto fire range and scatter and reload speed with the us howitzer and post it here before you make an argument.
    3. Try to use 2 Su-85 to counter 2 AT gun and try to use KT counter 2 AT gun and make a video of how useful is SU-85 in terms of AI capability.
    4. Try to use stuka to keep bombing the OP soviets howitzer and make a video of how OP the soviet doctrinal howitzer gun dodging the stuka bomb.
  • #6
    8 years ago
    recon42recon42 Super Moderator Posts: 1,724
    You have to keep in mind that this is an arcade game, where units are taking unquestionable orders from a floating sky arrow. This is not a simulator, but a world created and shaped by Relic themselves. They could easily create a flying balanced kuebelwagen if they wanted to, and add it to the game. People would frown, but as long as it is balanced and fun, there is no reason why they are not allowed to.
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