Increase the Inventory/Bulletin Limit so people can keep on playing without worrying about deleting HARD EARNED bulletins.
If you reach the limit you won't get more drops until you delete some bulletins and go under the limit.
( 1 average bulletin drop is about 3-4 hours. It's like your deleting your game play time. )
My friend stopped playing CoH2 because he doesn't like to waste. I'm very close to the 1000 inventory limit and it already feels really bad to do something i don't want: like delete my bulletins.I think i will also stop and spend my time elsewhere.
We would like to advise players to not delete duplicate content you receive, as value will be added to these items as the system evolves.
I'm not asking for war spoils fix, since it never gets fixed.
I'm ONLY asking TO CHANGE A NUMBER so i can enjoy the game without worries.
Thank you.