What do you think about bunkers?

10 years ago
VutherVuther MajorPosts: 1,946
Nah, not the MG-42 Bunkers. I think those clearly have their use.

I mean the basic bunker and the rest of its upgrades. I ask this due to having used those specific ones very infrequently.


  • #2
    10 years ago
    daspoulosdaspoulos Junior Lieutenant Posts: 2,609
    id use bunkers more, but molotovs reallyy makes me reconsider ever putting squads in bunkers.
  • #3
    10 years ago
    RounceRounce Major Posts: 633
    Trenches are a deathtrap and so are bunkers, never go inside them because a single mortar hit will wipe the unit because it is forced into a clumped position. It is not exactly "green" cover.
  • #4
    10 years ago
    AtlasAtlas Senior Lieutenant Posts: 102 ✭✭✭
    I think it's a real shame they changed how the medic bunker works. It used to be such a nice tactical decision to make and it kept your infantry numbers from falling too much even in the late game. Now a lot of late game there's like 1 infantry squad left and 3 tanks.
  • #5
    10 years ago
    ValkyrieValkyrie General-Major Posts: 2,059
    They're fine. They allow healing and reinforcements in the field, which is somewhat harder to pull off otherwise in CoH2 when compared to CoH1.
  • #6
    10 years ago
    CaskwineCaskwine Major Posts: 332 ✭✭✭✭✭
    i tend to use the reinforce one if i don't intend to get a 251 out. and i always get the med bunker back at base.
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