Headgear Variations. Something to spice things up visually.

8 years ago
ImperialDaneImperialD… Volunteer ModeratorPosts: 1,583
Having always been a fan of Model variations in games. I've always sort of wished for Company of Heroes to get it through the years. Since i do think it would make things a bit more interesting to look at visually and that way a bit more dynamic as units would be less clone-like.

The usual issue apparently being though being able to tell units apart for the newer players. A fair point. But you don't have to make it cover the entire model to even give it some kind of meaning and still have them stand apart a bit.

Headgear, ie helmets, caps and the likes being the case. You'd still have the general uniform and such with all the kit being there and thus being the visual indicator. But by even switching up the headgear a bit you could create something that stands out a bit.

Even something as simple as just variations on the helmet and what is on it could make some difference. Helmets with camo netting, different camo patterns, helmets without camo patterns are something that could easily be applied to most armies. Otherwise you have different caps. Germans probably having the more to work with there since they rather switched caps halfway through the war.

Sure you could easily do without it. But i do think it would add a bit of flair to the infantry proceedings, plus it would be a nice little visual upgrade on par with the improved infantry animations.

And i know i've been bugging about this for years by now. But with a new feedback and suggestions forum. i figure i might as well make a suggestion and some feedback and push for it once more ! just in a more scaled down form.


  • #2
    8 years ago
    KithrixxKithrixx Major Posts: 310 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, essentially:
  • #3
    8 years ago
    comrade_daelincomrade_d… Junior Lieutenant Posts: 2,551
    USF has only the M1 steelpot helmet, so they're not going to have any variations. Not unless you're talking about USF infantry wearing German officer hats.

    This would also only work if headgear items are separate, modular graphics apart from heads, which IMO probably is not but rather a whole head graphic has the helmet as part of its design. Besides totally revamping, this would mean a lot of heads clipping through headgear.

    And of course, there really isn't much headgear to switch around. WHich of course means you're also asking for an entire system set up just for swapping headgear around, including actually making swappable headgear.

    I'd even go further and suggest you have no idea just how much you're asking out of Relic.

    You know what would be a much more suitable alternative? If Relic simply just made more variations of existing models and scattered them among units. At least that way they don't make a whole system and it's entirely useless when people neither notice or not care about some feature that serves to just give a visual spice. Even the custom skins we have now are problematic, they cause behaviour problems with units like not firing their weapons, or not having the firing animations if they do.
  • #4
    8 years ago
    GrittleGrittle Junior Lieutenant Posts: 773
    I always wanted my Prosttruppen to have orbiting flame unusual strange with panzerfausts fired parts attached top hats
  • #5
    8 years ago
    Cultist_kunCultist_k… Junior Lieutenant Posts: 1,022
    Kithrixx wrote: »
    So, essentially:
    More like that Attachment not found.
  • #6
    8 years ago
    Mr. SomeguyMr. Someg… Lieutenant Posts: 671
    For the Germans, have a rare (1 in 25?) chance for the unit to have an Officer's cap, so Dane can stop worrying about German Officers not being properly represented on the front lines ;)
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