10 Loadouts Per Army

10 years ago
schlagermeisterschlagerm… CaptainPosts: 114 ✭✭✭
Now that the Turning Point Update is coming VERY soon.....we will be adding a further EIGHT commanders to the list. This will run the total to 19 commanders per side.

I can safely assume that the number of commanders will only continue to increase further, as the game menus have room for 24 commanders per side, and the devs can certainly add more slots should they make even more commanders still (I'd imagine that 2-3 years from now, this will be the case).

SO, that being said.....having only 5 Loadouts no longer really allows for us to create loadouts to include all of the commanders, because sometimes we need to double up on some commanders (meaning, have one commander in two or three of the loadouts) for cases of emergency. For example, sometimes basing a loadout on artillery is great, but not even having the option for a heavy tank can be very risky.

Particularly with the addition of the Defensive Commanders and the commanders with Partisans, I'd like to sprinkle those commanders into several different mixes. Would it be too much to ask to have 10 Loadouts??? This would solve two nuisances: 1. Having to tweak loadouts multiple constantly, and 2. Eliminate the need to drop out of our groups to mess with our army customizer screens and then reinvite friends over and over again. It would be much more convenient to simply let us click on the scroll down arrow in the game search menu and switch between many more varieties of loadouts.

Plus, this would very likely increase commander usage diversity in game!! I certainly would see it as a motivating factor to use some commanders that I don't normally look for.

Make it happen, Relic!!! :D
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