Soviet anti tank n maxim spam strat

10 years ago
obamasmokezobamasmok… Senior LieutenantPosts: 160 ✭✭✭
Soviet ZiS ,anti tank gun spam has become a lot more viable lately. It's a nightmare combined with maxim spam. It's the perfect counter to anything German except snipers, but snipers always seemed to get focused and extremely easy. I think this a cheap and gimmick strategy. I don't know how the devs could fix this. Punishing the normal players for getting maxim and ZiS isn't fair. I don't think you should ever be able to limit the amount of a unit players can make that's a horrible idea. I just wanted to point out this strategy, it's surprisingly effective. Do you guys think something should be done or it's not possible without punishing normal players ?


  • #2
    10 years ago
    Vermillion_HawkVermillio… Major Posts: 441 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As you said, Snipers work exceedingly well. Two snipers working in tandem can bleed out Soviets very vast, and they can even take on a squad of infantry head-on with only minimal damage if you use them properly. I do, however, think that the overall turning speed of Maxims needs to be adjusted, they turn way too fast for such a potent suppression tool.
  • #3
    10 years ago
    Elite930Elite930 General-Major Posts: 1,792
    Well i agree about maxim spam. its totally ridiculous effective on gresn when to take out those u need lot of rifle grenedes. but on other hand germans have lot early armor but like u say zis fixs the weakness but no always. debeds on player. meybe mortal half-track is good against them.
  • #4
    10 years ago
    C0ffeebeanzC0ffeebea… General-Colonel Posts: 4,547
    As you said, Snipers work exceedingly well. Two snipers working in tandem can bleed out Soviets very vast, and they can even take on a squad of infantry head-on with only minimal damage if you use them properly. I do, however, think that the overall turning speed of Maxims needs to be adjusted, they turn way too fast for such a potent suppression tool.

    You can forget about making any use of the German sniper thanks to the next patch which will allow Soviets to always counter snipe him. Now they can build both Tier 1 and Tier 2 because their build time is cut in half. This is a good thing, but now the German sniper will have to deal with Maxims, Conscripts, and Soviet Sniper...He is only one man.
  • #5
    10 years ago
    Vermillion_HawkVermillio… Major Posts: 441 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You can forget about making any use of the German sniper thanks to the next patch which will allow Soviets to always counter snipe him. Now they can build both Tier 1 and Tier 2 because their build time is cut in half. This is a good thing, but now the German sniper will have to deal with Maxims, Conscripts, and Soviet Sniper...He is only one man.

    Right, I forgot you had official insider information regarding the content of the next patch which you refuse to share with anyone but still use to make dire portents.
  • #6
    10 years ago
    MrJafooliMrJafooli Senior Lieutenant Posts: 75 ✭✭
    Well that building time reduction is part of the soviet industry doctrine, which hurts manpower income, so would be useless with T1 and T2. I can't imagine they are lowering base build times on top of a doctrinal reduction:..
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