'50 % off' skin sale, incorrect for soviet (H)

10 years ago
richarddearrichardde… Junior LieutenantPosts: 8
The in-game advertisement for skins,is showing the "Two tone Don front skin" for heavies as 50% off. It isn't. none of the two tone Don winter skins are fifty percent off. Kind of annoying actually as I do wish to buy that set. Many Ostheer skins are on sale, whereas the latest wave of skins (soviets mainly) are not on sale. I can only imagine the reasoning behind this is that these skins came out in November. Just wrongly advertised, much to my disappointment.


  • #2
    10 years ago
    James HaleJames Hale Beta Tester Posts: 2,026
    Yeah, I bought the Voronezh Improvised and Case Blue Summer sets last week, but they're from when Case Blue was released. The newer stuff wasn't on sale, so yeah I am assuming it's intentional as it's quite recent. If the in-game links are advertising them as being on sale then that's definitely an issue, though.
  • #3
    10 years ago
    DarkWolfDarkWolf Junior Lieutenant Posts: 108 ✭✭✭
    Yes I noticed the same. The in game adverts are showing the new skins that came out with Victory at Stalingrad as 50% off, but the store shows all skins BUT those newest 9 as being on sale. :(

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