Simple Upgrades and States that would give us new content

10 years ago
eliw00deliw00d General-MajorPosts: 1,081
Here is a list of things that I think would be easy to make, since they are simply upgrades of existing units and would just be states of existing models. Whether they are doctrinal or not is up to Relic, but either way they would be easy to make.

Note: I know that some of these would conflict with existing units, but they are still worth suggesting. Variety is the spice of life!

  • 2.8cm sPzB 41 for the SdKfz 221
    Upgrade for the SdKfz 221, giving it the choice between dedicated anti-tank or dedicated anti-infantry.
  • 2cm KwK 38 (and turret) for the SdKfz 250
    Upgrade for the SdKfz 250, giving it the choice of dedicated anti-infantry. This would make it an SdKfz 250/9.
  • 2.8cm sPzB 41 for the SdKfz 250
    Upgrade for the SdKfz 250, giving it the choice of dedicated anti-tank. This would make it an SdKfz 250/11.
  • 7.5cm K 51 for the SdKfz 251
    Upgrade for the SdKfz 251, giving it a role similar to the StuG III Ausf. E. This would make it an SdKfz 251/9.
  • 3.7cm PaK 36 for the SdKfz 251
    Upgrade for the SdKfz 251, giving it the choice between dedicated anti-tank or dedicated anti-infantry. This would make it an SdKfz 251/10.
  • 28/32cm Wurfrahmen 40 for the SdKfz 251
    Upgrade for the SdKfz 251, giving it an additional choice of anti-infantry and anti-fortification.
  • 10.5cm StuH 42 for the StuG III Ausf. G
    Upgrade for the StuG III Ausf. G, giving it a choice of dedicated anti-infantry and anti-fortification. This would make it a StuH 42.
  • 3.7cm PaK 36 (with Stielgranate 41 option)
    Modified version of the Soviet 45mm AT Gun model, due to similarities (the Soviets bought schematics from Rheinmetall before World War II). To stay competitive, it would have the option to fire a Stielgranate 41 shaped charge.
  • M1 57mm Gun for the M5 Half-track
    Upgrade for the M5 Half-track, giving it the choice between dedicated anti-tank or dedicated anti-infantry. This would make it an SU-57.
  • 122mm A-19S for the ISU-152
    Upgrade for the ISU-152, giving it a choice of dedicated anti-tank. This would make it an ISU-122.
  • 122mm M-30S for the SU-85
    Upgrade for the SU-85, giving it a choice of dedicated anti-infantry and anti-fortification. This would make it an SU-122. It would also be a counterpart to the StuH 42.
  • 57mm ZiS-4 for the T-34
    Upgrade for the T-34, giving it a choice of dedicated anti-tank. This would make it a T-34-57.
  • Appliqué Armor for the KV-1
    Upgrade for the KV-1, giving it increased armor protection in the front. This would make it a KV-1e.
  • Commander Cupola for the T-34
    Upgrade for the T-34, possibly related to Veteran Level, giving it either a spotter or increased sight range.
  • Mine Roller for the T-34
    Upgrade for the T-34, giving it the option to destroy mine fields. This would make it a PT-34.
  • 37mm NS-37 for the IL-2
    Alternate form of the IL-2, with a loitering anti-tank role similar to the German Ju 87 G. This would make it an IL-2-37.
More to come as I think of them, or as they are suggested.


  • #2
    10 years ago
    Jakethe22Jakethe22 Senior Lieutenant Posts: 60 ✭✭
    I like it, I feel the Soviets need more munition spending upgrades. It just feels that that game is very simple for upgrades.
  • #3
    10 years ago
    James HaleJames Hale Beta Tester Posts: 2,026
    A lot of these are more likely to be separate units I think, though I do agree that the scout cars and half-tracks could do with some more upgrades. That said, Wurfrahmen are probably unlikely as the Panzerwerfer is already a default unit.
  • #4
    10 years ago
    eliw00deliw00d General-Major Posts: 1,081
    The StuG III Ausf. G was the last version created, so there are no further StuGs after that. A Panzerjäger "Nashorn", Marder II, or Marder III Ausf. H (or M) could work, though.
  • #5
    10 years ago
    Elite930Elite930 General-Major Posts: 1,792
    well i just though they would like have some other unit like su-85 rather that elephant. so what would be closes to su-85? marder werent those in coh1
  • #6
    10 years ago
    eliw00deliw00d General-Major Posts: 1,081
    German counterparts to the SU-85 and SU-85M would be:

    StuG III Ausf. F/G
    StuG IV
    Jagdpanzer IV
    Jagdpanzer 38(t)

    German counterparts to the SU-100 would be:

    Panzer IV/70 (A) and (V)

    Yes, the Marder III Ausf. M was in CoH1, but Relic could add a Marder II, Marder III, and/or Marder III Ausf. H to CoH2.
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