Dawn of War 3

11 years ago
RennerRenner MajorPosts: 749
Since the old forums are gone I will take the liberty of reopening this thread. I hope that previous posters will rejoin in this discussion with their ideas, I will post mine again.

First of all, I was told that we are probably not going to see DoW3 any time soon, because GW was busy lending 40k licence left and right, including lefty dev studios, so we'll probably have to wait for this 40k game crapstorm to pass till their contract is revoked...

Before I start maybe I should take in consideration CoH2 release. Although I can understand Relic's situation under THQ, lack of time and resources, under SEGA I wont be so apologetic. Its imperative that we have lobbies and basic graphics options, and not only presets. There are also leaderboards, chat channels,.. I dont really care for this last stuff, but its annoying hearing people complaining about everything.

DLC policy. I can imagine 40k game to be a DLC heaven, especially if its going to take CoH2's route. Various new heroes with new units and abilities, skin packs with new chapters, and whatnot. But as long as the original pool of units is decent, and we dont end up in situation that more of units is in DLCs and less in the actual game - then fine(ish)... Quinn said that they may get back to the draw board, so maybe we could see some new units which appeared in the mean time (Centurions *drool*).

Since we have taken out of the way those minor things lets start with suggestions. Space battles. Seriously, why not, its 40k universe after all. And you guys have some experience with Homeworld. Battlebarges could be bases now, deploying troops via drop pods (Thunderhawks deploying vehicles, not drop pods, Jesus), and instead of good old VPs some inovation like missile launching platforms, taking health of space crafts instead of points (separated mode option with void shields regenerating over time, so you need to fight harder to preserve missiles on your side, and finish the battle). Maybe we could play some sort of hibrid matches. One player controlls Cruiser and fighting with opponent's space forces in turn based combat, while his teammate fights on the ground with ground forces of that opponent's cruiser in real time. Turns could be time limited, and forces on the ground could have some restrictions (can't call in additional troops untill previous turn ends).

Persistent bodies. Apothecaries could extract the geen-seed from the fallen Space Marines gaining some requisiton, dead Eldar would leave their soul stones behind them which sufficient recovery would give Wrathlord/Wraithguard call-ins (since they are powered by them). Chaos Space Marines could destroy those to gain Chaos Favour and demon call-ins, Space Marines recovery of soul stones would give some stuff from The Librarium, etc. Afterwards bodies could disappear to not waste performance.

Customisable armies. Maybe they would be a hell to balance, and particular torture for the matchmaking if game's population is not too high... But that's why we should have lobbies, where everyone can create type of the game he wants. In this way, fans of the original (huge army battles) and people who got used to this new system could play with settings to their heart's content. Player starts with basic army of, say, 500 points. Later, by leveling, he gets the ability to create a larger 1000 point army, and so forth. By leveling you are also getting new units, and then you can enlist them in you army. Every choice is divided into heroes, infantry, support teams, walkers, vehicles, and super-heavy units. If you chose some heavier unit from the later level unlocks (Terminators) in smaller army then that unit would drain your army pool quicker, meaning you cant have Terminators in your small infantry along with bunch of other units, but you can have them in larger army with some other infantry units depending how much points that unit is worth.

Chaos have to chose Chaos God allegiance, which would filter lesser/greater demon units which he can use, and you would gain a favour from that particular God, gaining some unique themed abilities. However, if you chose Chaos Undivided army (such as in current DoW) then you can have a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but you wont gain any Chaos God favour, thus no unique abilities.

More options in Army Painter. That customiser from Space Marine is a good start, and far superior than our current solution from DoW2 (which is reasonable regarding the type of engine which probably has more flexibility than RTS engine). You are sick of Tarkus as a Sergeant in every army, and you cant wait for Relic to cut off Thule's head and paste it on a new body and throw a DLC? Put some hair on his head, a beard, bionic eye, some unique helmet which you've unlocked by leveling/unlocking some difficult achievement/bought as DLC.

If you ever gonna release this game, its important to not overhipe it, as its become a practice these days. You know, stuff like "We have a bigger budget than ever before, look at these amazing (Photoshoped) screenshots from this amazing early Alpha graphics, game will have this and that"... It would be great if devs could be COMPLETELY honest with their customers for once, and say "Well, we have planned to do all of this. Unfortunately, publishers are less and less patient, we need to make a profit or we are out of business, so we have 2 years of time and we'll throw a game which will have this, this, and this. One year later we will throw an expansion pack which will add this and that. Year later, second expansion which will conclude our vision of all around 40k game, and realistically takes 4-6 years to develop, time which we don't have"... Its better this way than to try to fulfill all of your overhiped promises in short period of time, and release some broken Beta, and patch it desperately in upcoming months. That's probably a dream of some other, better world, but hey...

For now I'm gonna be happy if you just patch out GFWL from DoW2 and Chaos Rising, so that your customers doesn't have to use 3rd party solutions to be able to even play a game.


  • #2
    11 years ago
    RennerRenner Major Posts: 749
    Katitof wrote: »
    And if you think its going to be MMO, you're quite uninformed about the title.
    THQs next 40k game was supposed to be MMO, EK is shooting at something between planetside and global agenda.
    Please, you should leave your ugly habits on now dead forum, stop questioning everyone's intelligence, and saying how they are uninformed, and generally just going into controverism for the sake of creating unnecessary arguing.

    Yes, EC is a MMO, no matter what additional word they put in there, and how they hipe it. Yes, I know about Dark Millennium from THQ, which turned into SP game, which turned into vaporware, and its developers (Vigil) are now working in majority for Crytek. There were suggestions that Relic worked on DoW3, which doesn't need to mean its true, but let me explain again - I can write my wishes about future DoW game, no matter if they never develop it. That's why this sub-forum is here.
  • #3
    11 years ago
    KatitofKatitof Junior Lieutenant Posts: 5,229
    Umm, I'm not questioning your intelligence.
    I'm questioning your informations.

    NOW I'm questioning your intelligence for being unable to tell the difference.

    Also, battlefield also have levels, different gear to farm and PVE missions does that make it MMO?
    Exactly. Same thing with EK.
  • #4
    11 years ago
    FaHuFaHu Lieutenant Posts: 67 ✭✭
    i don´t read anything from this posted things, just see DoW3, thats enough to say, hopefully it will be come in future \o/.
  • #5
    11 years ago
    RennerRenner Major Posts: 749
    Yeah, too many stuff to take in consideration. But relaying on previous titles isn't a bad idea, taking the best from them, including some elements from Homeworld games (space battles).

    I also have nothing against current 40k presentation, its all nicely designed, nice colour pattern, but there's a couple of problems. I think that atmosphere should be darker, that feel from the intro movie (DoW2) was perfect. Although mission areas were various (jungle, desert, urban areas, and later snow maps in CR), I got tired with that industrial Angel Gate all over the place theme over time, I missed that Gothic feeling from the original, with destroyed monasteries around. I also need to mention that genius design of the final mission from WA, and Titan parts all over the map.

    Who knows, maybe the next step would be a total removal of strategic/requisition points, we have now capture areas around those in CoH2, maybe in DoW3 we only need to walk into a sector to start capping it, and building turrets to guard it. Some sectors could be housing important assets (Victory Points, or some replacement for those).

    I like the idea of the upcoming Titanfall, which doesn't have SP at all, its all focused on MP with living players, with additional NPC characters. I think its an interesting idea and worth exploring in other genres.

    What bothers me the most are those heavy layoffs which Relic suffered from THQ. How they will affect their future projects, what would be if some people stayed, what decisions they would make and how those would affect the final product. Sure, no one is irreplaceable, but I don't really like when the studio behind one of my favourite games is decimated like that. Remains to be seen.
  • #6
    11 years ago
    RaindropRaindrop Captain Posts: 242 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Renner wrote: »
    Yeah, I heard about "The Next Team" which producer mentioned in that interview in SNF, along with DLC team, and patching/support team. But we can only speculate what they are developing.

    Well, I did not watch the SNF cast, tho I was reading on Relic news or the Dawn of war forums dunno which one it was, a thread that Relic has a team of slightly more then 100 members and that only a part of the team works on addons, while the rest focuses on new games.

    DoW finished > Started to work on CoH > CoH finished > Started to work on DoW2 > DoW2 finished > Started to work on Space Marine > Space Marine finished > Started to work Coh2 (there was mostly a 2 year gap between this games).

    This means they probably already started to work on a new project. Ofcourse we can only speculate what their next game will be, it probably wont be DoW3 since it would be pointless to start to work on a game you arent allowed to release in the end.

    Overall im interrested whats Relics new project, the battle servers are going to be part in their new project.

    Back on the Dow3 topic/wishlist this vid shows quite nicely the scale i would would like to see DoW3 minus the OP's of SM's, like for example 5 member space marine combat squads.

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