Dedicated servers

10 years ago
VazVaz LieutenantPosts: 45 ✭✭✭✭
This would help get rid of a lot of the connection issues.


  • #2
    10 years ago
    Ralf76Ralf76 Junior Lieutenant Posts: 5
    Dedicated servers would be a great evalution for this fgame. But the time went past. The THQ did not initialy support this idea due to a lack of money and the CoH 2's net-code has been tuned only for ancient p2p connection. It is too late to change something.
  • #3
    10 years ago
    GorbGorb Senior Lieutenant Posts: 65 ✭✭
    I don't know as much about CoH 2 as I do about Relic's earlier games, but I believe it uses a form of P2P connectivity which renders the client-server model invalid (or at least unusable with regards to dedicated servers).

    EDIT: I got ninja'd!

    P2P is not ancient. Well technically it is, but that implies that it has no place in the modern age, which is incorrect. Modern P2P implementations are vastly different from early P2P implementations, especially with regards to multiplayer gaming.
  • #4
    10 years ago
    HaukenHauken Captain Posts: 197 ✭✭✭
    I think everyone supports this and I think Relic have a reason to reject it.

    Case closed :( ?
  • #5
    10 years ago
    VazVaz Lieutenant Posts: 45 ✭✭✭✭
    It's certainly not too late to implement. Not that they can turn on a dime here and release an implementation in a month, but it can be done still. I was talking with a friend brainstorming and I thought it would be cool if they used both p2p and dedicated. The dedicated would be used only for automatch and paid/maintained by relic and/or valve. There would be a seperate unranked automatcher for practice, this one using p2p connection currently implemented. Lastly, custom games would have the choice of either a p2p connection or a dedicated server that is not paid/maintained by relic/valve (unless they feel like putting some up).
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